TOEIC Test900点取得の勉強法

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TOEIC診断テスト-お役立ち Part 7 模擬問題


こちらの「TOEIC診断テスト」のコーナーでは、TOEIC試験の模擬問題を出題させていただいております。ここで取り扱うパートは、TOEICの中でも最後の難関となって皆さんの前に立ちはだかる、Part 7です。

TOEIC形式に合わせた問題を出題させていただきます。 各問題文には目標時間が設定されています。実際に問題を解かれる時は、実践さながら時間を計りながら行ってみてください。


この制限時間は、900点を越えるレベルを想定して設定しております。 できる限り目標時間内に終わらせるようにすることが目標ですが、この目標時間を過ぎたからといってそこでペンを置く必要はございません。これはあくまで目標です。



このように、普段から早く読む癖をつけることで、タイムマネジメントが必須とされるこのTOEICで900点越えに近づくことになります。 もちろんすぐにできるようになるわけではありません。






Advantages of Sakura House accommodations


■No key money or agent fee required

You just need 30,000yen deposit per person (up to 20,000yen refundable), and the first month's rent  to move in.

■No guarantor required

You don't need a guarantor. Just bring your passport with a valid visa.

■DC / VISA / MasterCard welcome

All rooms payable with DC / VISA / MasterCard. You don't have to bring a large amount of cash to Japan.

■All rooms furnished

Simple furniture, bedding, kitchen facilities and dishes available.

■Utility expenses included

Water, electricity and gas supply included. And in most rooms, free internet line is available. For  rooms without, we have a free Internet cafe at our office.


Our maintenance team and the landlords are ready to help our tenants, should they have any  problem in their houses.

■Office open 7 days with multilingual staff

Our office is open 7 days a week to help you, with English, French, Korean, Chinese speaking staff.


Sakura House apartments and guest houses are ideal for people who would stay in Tokyo for 1month to 1year.


If you stay in Tokyo for just few days, staying at a hotel is the easier option. Or, if you intend to stay for years, maybe finding a room at regular apartment agencies would be cheaper in total. But in this case, you have to prepare a key money (large deposit)* and households on your own, and find a guarantor. And not many agencies in Japan are foreigner-welcome.


Consider Sakura House an accommodation service between hotels and regular apartment agencies.

Q1:What is the purpose of this notice?


(A) to recruit multi-lingual staff

(B) to introduce a local locksmith

(C) to promote an accommodation for foreigners

(D) to introduce one of the famous Japanese trees


Q2: How much do you have to pay first to move in Sakura House?


(A) 30,000 yen

(B) 20,000 yen

(C) 10,000 yen

(D) Not mentioned


Q3: Which of the following is the most favorable to use Sakura House?

(A) a foreign traveler staying in Tokyo for three days.

(B) a foreign student who is going to study at an university for 4 years

(C) a foreign student staying in Osaka for 6 months

(D) a foreign traveler who will stay in Tokyo for one year




